Motivation is a Muscle. Well not really. It is just a metaphor I used to describe the fact that like any muscle, motivation also needs to be worked on constantly. It is fuelled by our desires and by our achievements. A muscle requires timely exercise and each session must provide an increase in the intensity of some kind. For example, if you have built your bench press to 100lbs for 5 reps, then your muscle would have hypertrophied to be a certain size that gives you the strength to lift 100lbs for 5 reps. But when you start adding weight to the bar, even small increments of 5lbs would result in a small increase in strength and muscle size. This progressive weight overload will eventually result in massive gains in size and strength. So set a big goal like losing 100 lbs of fat or gain 50 lbs of muscle. Then set little goals that serve as stepping stones towards the dream. For example, break the 100 lbs fat loss goal into little goals like 1-2 lbs per week. Keep working on each little goal until you achieve your big dream. This will help build your motivation and ensure that you go the distance.
Why do we lose our motivation?
The reason we begin a task or set up action plans is in order to achieve a goal. Our eyes are on the prize and once we have our actions charted we set out on our path to success. While on the path, we always take some time and reassess how far we are away from our goals. When it seems like they haven't begun showing any results, people get disheartened easily and give up. This further leads to the belief that something as simple as losing body fat and getting lean is a herculean task. Actually, it is not.
People tie their motivation to their goals and completely ignore what is important. They fail to tie the motivation to the process instead and this often turns out to be their undoing. This is why they lose their motivation.
How to get the motivation to exercise and stay motivated
The most important step of success is the actions you need to take. Your actions determine whether your dreams turn into goals or remain a fantasy. So, start fixating on your actions. Start loving each exercise, look forward to each meal. Challenge yourself to be able to overcome temptations. Each time you are able to cover a task successfully, you'll find you're motivation rising. Increase the amount of work you do in a given time. Look for improvements in the way you execute an exercise. Aim for an improvement or increase in output in each session.
Each extra prep added to a set, each extra pound added on the bar, each yard you run more contributes to the bigger goal that you have.
Motivation and results
Results and motivation have a direct co-relation. When you fix a goal you're motivated. This drives you to take action. When that action yields results, you are excited and you're motivation increases.
The key, however, is the action. Without it, there'd be no results. We over-focus on and expect quick results. However, we fail to reassess our action plans and determine their effectiveness. Remember, on the path of success, it isn't the goal but the actions that determine your success. Hence, focus on them. Learn to love your actions, learn to love each rep, each set, and each exercise that you do. Learn to look forward to each meal that you need to eat. Learn to love the discipline that goes with a successful action plan.
Each appropriate action will deliver the desired result and this in turn will further add fuel to the fire. Before you realize it, you'd have achieved your goal and would already be on your journey to the next goal.
Steps to stay motivated
· Set Goals - Whatever they may be, write them down. Reaffirm the goals each day as soon as you wake up and each night before you retire you are to bed. The more you fixate on the goals the more they get embossed into your subconscious.
· Make smaller goals with timelines - Make smaller goals that eventually lead to a bigger goal. If your goal is to lose 20 lbs of weight, then chart out smaller goals and fix timelines to achieve them. Here you need to worry about achieving the goal and not so much about the timeline, if you do not make the timeline, do not worry. It just means that your actions were not supportive of the results. You need to work on them again and continue the task until you start seeing results.
· Determine actions - Plan out your actions accordingly. If your goal is to lose body fat, then you will plan a training and diet regime accordingly. If your goal is to gain a certain amount of muscle, then the actions would need to be taken appropriately. A sport-specific goal would call for congruent actions. Plan them down and again commit to paper.
· Take action - Do not confuse having a strong desire or planning your actions with having taken strong and purposeful actions. They are not the same. You must get your body through the motions and get the mind into the game if you want to expect even the slightest of changes to start showing. Learn to love the actions and aim to strive for improvement in each successive session. I cannot stress this enough. Do not be in a hurry to get to the destination. Fitness, fat loss, strength, and muscle gains do not work that way. You need to put in the time and effort to achieve long term results.
· Chart progress - Take measurements when you begin, measure the number of reps you're able to do for a given exercise, and the amount of time you take to complete the session. Use this as a benchmark and work on improving it. Each week repeat the process. If you do not see improvement for two consecutive weeks, then you've either stagnated or you're not doing something right. Reassess and rework the action plan and get right back on track.
· Celebrate Success - Each little goal that you determine and achieve calls for a celebration. Make some noise about, tell a few people how good it feels and how you found the process enriching. Share your experience with them. Watching you make a difference within your life will inspire them to take action themselves. Watching them taking constructive actions to improve their lives will in turn make you feel elated knowing you were the reason they are doing it in the first place. There is no greater motivator than the fact that you are a person contributing positively to someone else's well being.
Get a training buddy - Get someone who is motivated and equally driven if not more. You can feed off of each other's energies and mutually benefit from each other's drive. This will help you stay on track. If you are low on motivation one day your partner can pick you up and you could return the favor when your partner feels low.
These are exactly the steps I have followed consciously and unconsciously for close to sixteen years. I have had marginal results, dramatic results and for the most part of this period - NO RESULTS. These motivation fundamentals helped me to stay on track and keep working even though I was not getting anywhere close to my goal for 15 years. The outcome, right after the last readjustment to my exercise module, diet, and food habits, I lost 20 lbs of fat within 17.5 weeks. These tips and techniques helped me learn a great deal about fitness and most importantly about myself and my body. I am absolutely positive that you too can benefit from them the way I have. So get up and get moving. LET'S GET FIT TOGETHER.
Before I started [Website Address: []], I was struggling to actually see any substantial result in my body. I was 248 lbs with over 26% body fat. But things changed since June 2013. I made some drastic changes in my workout and nutrition patterns leading to a net 20 lbs fat loss in just 17.5 weeks.
My lifelong goal has been to help all of you struggling with your fitness and bodies and to help you have a resource at your disposal that helps you find the best and most useful fitness tips, tricks, and advice. The lack of accurate knowledge at one location and with too many theories and false promises for a high price made me want to develop an avenue that could help people find the best and only relevant resources for their fitness goals which are cheap and also comprehensive.
Which is why I started my website with precisely that goal in mind. To make a complete fitness resource available that would help you'll with anything you need to achieve your fitness goals and lead a healthy life.
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